London 100

Full Interview With Piers

Piers Natty Health

About Piers
Piers is an athlete and personal Trainer based in Kingston Upon Thames. He has helped dozens of people transform their bodies with beginner-friendly meal plans and work-out strategies. 

Piers focuses on transforming their clients’ bodies with their lifestyle. He focuses on slowly implementing strategies to improve their nutrition, exercise routine, and sleeping pattern. 

In This Episode
Master the Levels of Gym

Advice to people going to the gym for the first time or returning to the gym after a long period of inactivity. Start with the basics, and slowly integrate yourself into the gym-lifestyle.

Eat to Keep and Gain Muscle

Nutrition is a concrete component in order to be healthy inside and out. However, the two popular objections of to healthy eating is the feeling of eating excessively, and costs of purchasing a lot of food. Piers addresses these excuses with practical reasons as to how you can be using food to make gains.

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About Piers
Piers is an athlete and personal Trainer based in Kingston Upon Thames. He has helped dozens of people transform their bodies with beginner-friendly meal plans and work-out strategies. 

Piers focuses on transforming their clients’ bodies with their lifestyle. He focuses on slowly implementing strategies to improve their nutrition, exercise routine, and sleeping pattern. 

In This Episode
Master the Levels of Gym

Advice to people going to the gym for the first time or returning to the gym after a long period of inactivity. Start with the basics, and slowly integrate yourself into the gym-lifestyle.

Eat to Keep and Gain Muscle

Nutrition is a concrete component in order to be healthy inside and out. However, the two popular objections of to healthy eating is the feeling of eating excessively, and costs of purchasing a lot of food. Piers addresses these excuses with practical reasons as to how you can be using food to make gains.

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