PR and Media

Connecting People Through ‘Edutainment’

The 100 Series

The Brightest. The Biggest.
The Best of The World.

The global pool of entrepreneurs and business owners is full of talent. The cities in which we film our series are is truly a diverse with a great focus on creativity and innovation. However, not all individuals and businesses get the exposure that they need. Our ‘100’ series is dedicated to promoting the Greatness that’s within each global city in the world.

Through the use of interviews, short films, and documentaries, selected guests will have the opportunity to expose their business and themselves to our immediate community and the world. The goal is to accumulate 100 interviews from each city’s finest. Thus, creating a recognised brand of ‘must-have’ products and services.






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Request to be Interviewed

Our interviews are free. However, we are very selective with who we bring onboard. If you’d like to join the series, please send us an email introducing yourself and the company. We will reach back out.

Sponsor Us

Learn about how we can expose your brand to our network. Whether you’d like to sponsor one of our videos, events, or looking for long-term partnerships, we’d be interested in hearing your ideas. 

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